Would you “swallow a toad” every morning?

This bit advice is going to seem counter-intuitive but it’s one of my favorite reminders to mull over in the morning before one goes out to face the day ahead—it’s a way to prepare, philosophically, for what the world has in store us.

The wisdom comes from the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius who writes in his Meditations (a book of stoic philosophy) the following:

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Creativity Matter

What’s the most important skill for entrepreneurs?

Ask a dozen people and you’ll probably get a dozen answers.

“Sales” is a popular response. After all, if an entrepreneur can’t sell customers on his product, team members on the vision, or investors on the potential, the business won’t go anywhere.

“Hiring” is considered another critical skill. Getting the right people on the bus, in Good to Great speak.

But the most important skill of all?

It’s not sales, or hiring, or programming, or anything like that.

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1% a Day


You’re going to get what you want but first I have to tell you something.

Everything you’ve ever done up to this moment, has gotten you here. So if you want to change, you’re going to have to do everything different.


It’s not your fault. Don’t think it is.

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Soft Skills

Here are 10 soft skills you should focus on, why they’re important to you, and how to practice them daily.

ONE. Practice gratitude.


  • It trains your brain to focus on positive things and makes you think of what you already have in your life as opposed to what you do not.
  • It keeps you grounded in your personal life so you are less focused on what others are doing with theirs, which is a huge waste of time and won’t help you get any closer to your personal goals.

How to practice it?

  • Each morning, take 5 minutes to write down or say aloud 3 things you are grateful for having in your life right now. It can be something as simple as having a roof over your head, a warm bed to sleep in, food in your fridge, clean running water and electricity, or a great relationship with a family member, a partner or a friend.
  • Be specific: it’s a family member or friend, emphasize which of their qualities you are grateful for (they’re warm, gracious, kind, loving, incredibly funny).

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When people look back on their lives.

Everyone wants to know what dead people say right before they die. Words maybe infused with speckles of a heaven.

Beethoven supposedly said on his deathbed, “Friends applaud!  the comedy is finished!”

Lou Costello said, “This was the best ice cream soda I ever tasted.”

Similar is, “What are common regrets of people in their 30s and 40s?”

Can they be avoided if known?

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