Refine our action

You all want to implement these habits because you want to shape your life in a certain way – you want certain results from these habits.

The challenge I’m proposing today is important because when we don’t see results we quickly lose our motivation and fall off the wagon of positive change.

What we need to understand is that a lack of results isn’t a bad thing as long as we can make use of it in a positive way.

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Another Life Lessons

Decide what you want

Too many people fail at step 1. They wait for permission from others to be brilliant. They wait for a sign on what they should pursue, what should be their “passion”. I’ll share a little secret with you that I hope will save you many years of pain, especially if you are young. There is no such thing as passion. All this advice from famous and successful people about following your passion just makes me crumble up inside. Passion is not a goal. Passion is a consequence from waking up and grinding daily at that one thing. Now choosing a life theme is another thing. It’s not attached to ephemeral things such as goals or passion.

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An Efficient Way to Overcome Procrastination

Humans like to think we’re a clever lot. Yet those magnificent, mighty brains that allow us to split the atom and touch the moon are the same stupid brains that can’t start an assignment until the day before it’s due.

We evolved from primitive creatures, but we never quite shed ourselves of their legacy. You know the clever, rational part of your brain you think of as your human consciousness? Let’s call him Albert. He lives in your brain alongside an impulsive baby reptile called Rex:

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Powerfull ‘Mini Habits’ to Practice Each Day


Before you go to bed at night, tell your brain, “wake me up at _ a.m.”
Unless you got drunk the night before, you’ll likely start waking up right before the alarm clock startles you awake.

If the subconscious command doesn’t work, set the alarm on your smartphone and put it far enough away from your bed
so you have to physically get up to shut your alarm off in the morning when it goes off. You’ll be less likely to hit snooze once you’re already up.

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I’ve given you affirmations before and the story here is the same. Just to remind you of how wonderful these are, I’ll tell you that when you do affirmations you are creating a link between what you’re saying out loud and what you believe.

Your words create your thoughts, which create your reality.

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Let Your Progress Guide You

Take note of any progress you see with regards to your habit goals. Why?

Because progress is the most useful tool we have to keep us going.

Progress is one of the most beautiful and impactful words in the dictionary.

It’s the word that designates that we have a goal and we are pushing towards that goal… whether it’s slowly or quickly doesn’t really matter.

You all have goals in mind with regards to altering your habits. You want to change your habits for a reason.

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Tricks to Keep Motivated

In 2009, Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson made a surprising discovery in the science of motivation. She conducted a series of studies where she asked participants to solve a set of puzzles and problems. In one group — the “be-good” group — participants were told that their score reflected their “conceptual and analytical abilities.” They should try to solve as many problems as possible and aim for a high score to demonstrate how good they were. In another group — the “get-better” group — participants were told that each problem was a “training tool” and that they ought to “take advantage of this valuable learning opportunity” to improve their problem-solving skills. [1]

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